
Unveiling of our information board, commemorating the SOE’s training school and assessment board at Winterfold, near Cranleigh, Surrey, on Sunday, 8th October 2023 at Cranleigh Arts Centre.
This was the third in our series of plaques and information boards covering STS 1-6 of SOE.
Generously funded by Cranleigh Parish Council and Friends of the Hurtwood and the location (see below) was kindly provided by Jim McAllister, Chief Executive of The Rutland Group.
NB The information board will be located near to Winterfold in a car park (in Greensand Lane, close to the junction with Barhatch Road) on publicly-accessible land (in the Surrey Hills Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty), much used by walkers and cyclists. The limited space and the surrounding narrow lanes nevertheless make it impractical to hold the unveiling ceremony in situ for a reasonably-sized audience, hence our use of Cranleigh Arts Centre.

Our SECRET WW2 blue plaque on the former house of Lt-Colonel André Hue – French resistance, SOE F Section, Far East Jedburgh, postwar Parachute Regiment and SIS/MI6 officer. Unveiled 17th July 2023.
Another initiative kindly funded by the Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust.
Grateful thanks to: Gordon and Jackie Rees for agreeing to host the plaque; Lt-Commander Mathieu Kuhn of the French Navy (representing the Embassy of France); Nikki Bennett, (daughter of André Hue), the Bennett family and friends including Lt-Colonel (ret’d) Ewan Southby-Tailyour. It would not have been possible without our helpers on the day – Carol Browne, Ian Titman and Joy Hanauer – and a big pat on the back to Trevor Butterworth, long-term subscribed Friend of SECRET WW2, from whom the project originated.

Our information board commemorating the WW2 camp and training of the Special Raiding Squadron of 1st SAS, commander by Major Blair “Paddy” Mayne. Unveiled 8th June 2023.
With grateful thanks to Brigadier General (Res) Erez David Maisel, Colonel Richard Hecht, IDF, IDF International Co-operation Unit, Kibbutz Gesher HaZiv, 22 SAS Regiment and Jane Storey.
One of a series of plaques and information boards planned throughout Israel covering British intelligence and special forces during WW2 in what was than Mandate Palestine.
Generously funded by the Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust.

Our plaque created in memory of Section Officer Yvonne Cormeau, clandestine radio operator for 13 months in occupied France, F Section, SOE.
The plaque was unveiled on 17th September 2022 at Holbein House where Yvonne lived postwar. The plaque is on the wall, adjacent to 16 Holbein Place, London SW1W 8NL.
Grateful thanks to the Guinness Partnership, owners of the property, who agreed the location and provided much support and encouragement.

Information board unveiled in 2021 near Bellasis, STS 2 on Box Hill in Surrey.
Assisted by funding from the Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust and Mole Valley District Council.
In partnership with the landowner, the National Trust.

Information board installed in 2021 in Wanborough Great Barn, commemorating STS 5 at adjacent Wanborough Manor near Guildford, Surrey.
Assisted by funding from the Gerry Holdsworth Special Forces Charitable Trust and Guildford Borough Council.
In partnership with the Wanborough Great Barn Management Committee.