The Secret WW2 Learning Network is an educational charity registered in the UK - a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) No. 1156796

Tuesday, 18th June 2024, 10.30 amL’appel

The annual ceremony, organised by the Defence Office of the French Embassy in London, marks the BBC appeal of General de Gaulle to France on 18th June 1940, a day that came to mark the beginning of French resistance to occupation. The ceremony takes place in Carlton Gardens, London SW1Y 5AA, in front of a statue of the General and outside 4 Carlton Gardens, the wartime HQ of the Free French Forces and the offices of the government-in-exile being created by de Gaulle. SECRET WW2 are one of the official wreath layers, commemorating the agents and teams of the BCRA; SIS; the SOE’s F, RF, DF, EU/P and AMF sections and  Jedburgh  teams who served in occupied France. No booking required.