The Secret WW2 Learning Network is an educational charity registered in the UK - a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) No. 1156796

Special Training School no. 3 (STS 3) of the Special Operations Executive (SOE) – at Stodham Park, Liss, Hampshire during the Second World War

Our educational charity has raised funding to create an information board regarding SOE’s STS 3 in Liss. STS 3 was initially termed the Norwegian Preliminary, or Depot, school and many of Norway’s most famous and successful agents and commandos began their training at Liss.

The information board is now ready and though the Norwegian element is the most prolific, there were other nationalities, chiefly British and American/OSS ‘Jedburgh’ team candidates (and later Operational Group members) who attended and are described on the board. Lt. Bill Colby, a Jedburgh team member, OG leader and post-war CIA Director, is among those featured. These personnel who were assessed at STS 3, Liss, can be said to have been the forerunners to today’s US and UK special operations units such as the Green Berets in the US and the relatively new Ranger Regiment of the British Army.

At least three Ukrainians were among what were then termed ‘Russian’ or ‘Soviet’ trainees at STS 3 late in the war. We also wish to honour these Ukrainians as many of Ukraine’s present-day recruits have been trained at Longmoor camp, at the opposite end of the village from Stodham Park.

The ceremony is to be on Saturday 22nd June 2024 at 1030, for 1045 and will be adjacent to Liss railway station where the information board can be seen by many walkers and travellers. A reception, for invited guests only will held afterwards in the village hall, just a short walk from the board.