7th June 2023 – Czech Armed Forces Day at the Czech Embassy in London
On 7th June 2023 Executive Trustee Paul McCue and Friend of SECRET WW2 Jonathan Saunders (also a member of the Memorial Association of Free Czechoslovak Veterans – MAFCV) were invited to join H.E Marie Chartardova the Czech Ambassador and Brigadier General Beran, Czech Defence Attaché, for their Czech Armed Forces Day event at the Embassy in London. Brigadier General Beran has always shown an interest in SECRET WW2, as has Colonel Vladimir Stolárik, the Slovak Defence Attaché, who was also present. Other Embassy representatives who have worked with SECRET WW2 and were present included Col Nicolas Filser, Army Attaché at the French Embassy and Colonel Rony Boumfeld from the Israeli Embassy.
The Ambassador gave an excellent speech covering the history and legacy of the Czech Armed Forces and the humanitarian role they are fulfilling today as part of NATO. She also stressed the Czech Republic’s unstinting support for their Ukrainian neighbours.
An unexpected highlight of the afternoon came when a recently-arrived young member of the Czech Defence Attaché’s team, Warrant Officer Arles Feistinger, played several tunes on the bagpipes in the Embassy Garden in the glorious sunshine.
Photo credits: Gerry Manolas MAFCV