The Secret WW2 Learning Network is an educational charity registered in the UK - a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) No. 1156796

Derwent London, and the property owners Lazari, have just received planning permission (subject to final comment from the Mayor for London) for redevelopment of 38-70 Baker Street (and other neighbouring properties in Blandford Street and Dorset Street) which will see the demolition of 64 Baker Street. The loss of the building’s original frontage will be mourned by some, but it should be stressed that only a facade (see top right below) remains and that the interior was completely modernised some years ago. Apart from one staircase in situ, and the basement, nothing remained of the wartime interior. From the photos below you will note a variety of existing styles in the development area.

From a starting point where no. 64 was not considered historically important despite it having been SOE’s HQ, SECRET WW2 were engaged positively by Derwent and after several meetings we reached the position whereby Derwent committed themselves not only to the minimum of retaining the green plaque on the new building, but also to an important  condition that was included in the planning approval:

The ‘cultural and educational’ space shown in pink on the approved drawings shall incorporate a permanent exhibition commemorating the works undertaken by the Special Operations Executive, the details of which shall be submitted for the City Council’s approval. The exhibition shall accord with the approved details, shall be installed prior to the occupation of the commercial parts of the development hereby approved, and shall be retained for the life of the development.

This condition of the planning approval, for a publicly accessible permanent SOE exhibition, will therefore eventually provide increased understanding of the heritage of the site. We will continue to work with the developers and have already researched and produced a 1940-1945 SOE timeline for use in the exhibition.


Henry Robinson of Derwent London is thanked for his positive approach to the current position.

Baker Street differing styles

The current and proposed Baker Street elevations are shown below.

Baker Street - current and proposed front elevation